Monday, December 25, 2017

Tips for the holiday season

Need some advice on staying balanced and managing stress through the holidays? Perhaps you spent too much this year and need to plan for better budgeting in 2018? Here are some archived Mouthing Off blog posts to help keep you on track:

Staying balanced through the holidays
For many, the holidays bring memories of frosted sugar cookies, spending precious time with family near and far, and looking forward to a bright new year. Unfortunately for others, the holidays can look and feel very different. They may spend the season in solitude, or their holiday obligations may bring on unnecessary stress. I know for me, the holidays have been more difficult to celebrate since losing both my mother and father. Those of us who have lost close family members may find if painful to take part in the same holiday traditions once celebrated.

4 tips to keep holiday spending in check
We all love to spend money during the holidays. Between holiday parties, gifts for our families and friends, and a little extra for those who provide services throughout the year, the holiday expenditures add up fast! While holiday expenses add up, it is a good time to remember some budget-friendly tips that can be used year-round.

Tips for managing holiday stress
It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but dental students may disagree. Along with final exams and patients stressing you out, holiday traveling and numerous holiday activities might be more stress than you’re ready for. So how do you manage to actually enjoy the holiday break instead of worrying about it?

What holiday cinema has taught me about the season
Spring can keep its flowers and its insects. Summer can keep its sweaty tank-tops and severe thunderstorms. Halloween can keep its blustery winds and candy-munching ghouls. All I need is Christmas. I grew up in a house where the last decoration didn’t come down until it hit 85 degrees outside. I wrote letters to Santa. I left carrots for reindeer. I boxed up gifts for the elves and left them by the fireplace.

3 ways to give back during the holidays
As I kid, it was a family tradition to participate in something called the “mitten tree” at our church. There was a Christmas tree decorated with paper mitten ornaments. Each had a first name of a child and his or her age. Our family would each choose a mitten, bring it home and then go shop for hats, gloves and scarves for the kids we chose. Then we’d bring the items back to church wrapped up with the paper mitten on top.

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