Friday, January 26, 2018

Put Instagram to good use

Do you spend way too much time on Instagram? Have you felt like too much of your precious time is spent staring at photos, captions and hashtags on a three-by-five inch screen? Well, there’s good news. If you follow the right Instagram accounts, it will not only give you more opportunities in the field of dentistry, but it can help you connect with other students and professionals.

Many dentists and other health care professionals share videos about their work and provide great information for their followers. Although it is our responsibility to filter the information they’re giving (use discretion when taking in information on the internet!), a lot of them show practical and helpful tips. The following are some of my favorite dental-related Instagram accounts.

1. ASDA district accounts are a good place to start. You can keep up with what other students are doing, learn about district meetings and even national events: @asdadistrictone, @asdadistrict2, @asdadistrict3, @district4asda, @d5asda, @asdadistrict6, @asdadistrict7, @asdadistrict8, @asdadistrict9, @asdadistrict10 and @d11asda.

2. DentalHistory shares posts about the history of the dental profession and includes both fascinating and bizarre historical facts: @dentalhistory.

3. Interested in what it’s like to be a dental student around the world? FutureDentists is hosted by students from different schools in a number of countries: @FutureDentists.

4. Want to network with dentists worldwide? Dentistry Forum shows interesting cases and promotes business opportunities: @dentistry_forum.

5. My Social Practice offers webinars and ideas on social media dental marketing, with a healthy dose of humor: @mysocialpractice.

6. Looking for relevant techniques with an artistic bent? Check out Dentistrypedia: @dentistrypedia.

7. Everything About Dentistry posts technical videos and case images with the occasional joke to lighten things up: @alldentfor.

8. DentistryGlobal posts everything from informative videos to silly memes: @dentistryglobal.

9. Dentistry In Your Pocket is for the slightly sarcastic dental student with a good sense of humor:  @identistry

It seems everyone is using Instagram these days to market their practice and connect with a community. Social media can certainly help keep you up-to-date with current trends in dentistry, and it’s also a great opportunity for predental students to do some digital shadowing. If you can take five minutes to peruse these accounts or others you find, you may be surprised how the knowledge you gain will be useful one day.

~Claire Chaerin Kim, Stony Brook ’19, predental

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